If a Dog Walked Into a Bar

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If a Dog Walked Into a Bar

If a dog walked into a bar
Would it be smoking a cigar

It just isn’t something I can ask my cat
‘Cause I don’t think she knows about that

She doesn’t smoke, because it’s addictin’
Somethin’ she learned when she was just a little kitten

So that’s that!

Besides, unless he’s an unusual bloke
Most of the dogs I know don’t smoke

At least not out in the open
And they don’t have any lips

He’d have to hold the thing in his teeth
And it’d probably just make him sick Continue reading “If a Dog Walked Into a Bar”

Tailor Made (A Poem)

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I left my frisbee in your bushes, I’ll be back another time
I’ve been cruising somewhere near the Saratoga line
From my understanding, you’ll be doing fine
And I’ll always have my hometown memories in my mind

Pretty sure you had a big bash, I could see it from the sky
For just a little girl I’m not sure I understand why
You’re going to need an entourage, everywhere you go!
I dropped everything you know!

You haven’t exactly been accessible
And your appetite’s insatiable
Your mansion is historical
But you are still untouchable

Tailor made, I’ll call your bluff! Continue reading “Tailor Made (A Poem)”