Pimples and All Concert, Jan. 2019

You’re invited to eavesdrop on today’s practice! It turned into an hour-long unplugged concert! Dedicated to my beautiful daughter, Sara!

Playlist is below!


Pimples and All Concert, Jan. 2019, Mark Urso

  1. If a Dog Walked Into a Bar (Urso)

  2. Anna Begins (Duritz)

  3. Does This Bus Stop at 82nd Street (Springsteen)

  4. Lost in The Flood (Springsteen)

  5. Unbroken Chain (Lesh)

  6. Fat Fish (Urso)

  7. Half a Muffin (Urso)

  8. Sweet Baby James (Taylor)

  9. Monkey and The Engineer (Fuller)

  10. Make it Linger (Urso)

  11. Anything But Ordinary (Lavigne)

  12. Downtown Train (Waits)

  13. Don’t Think Twice, It’s Alright (Dylan)

  • end –

visit me at markurso.com! 🙂

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