The Not So Distant Future Has Arrived, As We Fall With The New World Order

It used to be we had a little time before the future arrived.
But now, it’s too late!

The future still exists, but it’s anybody’s call, anybody’s game!

If Bonnie and Clyde were alive today (hey, why not?) they’d probably just go ahead and storm the Capitol and take over.

It’s easy! They let you right in!

So, it’ll be cowboys and Indians, sort of a combination of Dances With Wolves and Little House on the Prairie, with everyone and anyone making laws, breaking things … eh, whatever … OR a total dictatorship, more like the bad guys on Star Wars, but with a strong emphasis on questionable fashion choices, like The Hunger Games.

And this isn’t satire!

This might well be the most real news story you read today!

Getting Hungry?

Though Hunger Games, is technically a trilogy, there’s a little-known fourth episode the studios are currently fawning over, in which we follow the flight of a Mockingjay all the way from Iraq to Washington DC, where it’s captured and returned to Iraq, and subsequently set on fire, interweaving elements from the previous three episodes with contemporary life.

Okay, I made that up. But not this: Author Suzanne Collins says in Wikipedia “while channel-surfing the television, (Collins) saw people competing for some prize and then saw footage of the Iraq War. She described how the two combined in an “unsettling way” to create her first ideas for the series.”

So, here we are.

I wish I could write a prequel, and we could all be in the cast. But Collins has already prequeled Hunger Games with a fluffy novel called The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, and it takes place in dark days and violence. As we move forward from here, I suspect the past will become just as muddy as the future. Turning the lights back on in either place would be refreshing and life-giving. Hopefulness is becoming nothing more than a movie subplot.

But Wait, There’s More!

It just so happens, in the recent muddy past, some wise people had a very clear vision of the muddy future!

In the new world (the future), there’s new entertainment. Music is still legal, for example, and much is featured throughout my blog at It’s also a pleasure to share with you some smart people who have passion, and use it after they actually check stuff out, not just passion all by itself. We need passionate people, but really, today, only ones who tell the truth, or as best as they can surmise after looking at everything. Those people are today’s saviors and true apostles. It matters not their race, creed or religion. Remember, truth is not a subjective dynamic! Opinion-free, studied and confident writers and documentarians like Candace Owens and Dinesh D’Souza will continue to look past the debunked for us, use their remarkable abilities, gather reality and entertain us with it!

Today’s showcase is “Remnant TV”

The videos are presented on YouTube on channel TheRemnantVideo.Host Michael Matt has it all; passion, intelligence, confidence, the ability to add and adequate senses of balance and humor!

I enjoyed watching and listening, and wanted to point you to these great presentations.

Matt isn’t shy to describe his vision; he said this last year:

“They hate God. They hate the unborn. They hate the traditional family. They hate you! And they hate Donald Trump, who’s political opponents right now are knocking statues of Saints to the ground, they’re beating up cops and they’re burning flags. You say you hate Trump? Who cares? It doesn’t really matter anymore. Look at the big picture; the choice is simple, friends.”

Below is a more recent episode, among many available:

YouTube – 101,472 views as of today • Premiered Dec 31, 2020

The videos are inspired and produced by The Remnant, a USA-based “Catholic newspaper published twice a month in the United States. Although its editors are not affiliated with any particular institute or traditionalist group, the paper is sympathetic to Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and the Society of St. Pius X. Founded in 1968, it is the oldest Traditionalist Catholic newspaper in the United States. The Remnant is said to strive to adhere to Catholic teaching in every aspect of its journalism. The name The Remnant is a reference to the remnant of Isaiah and the belief that only a remnant of Catholics holding to the traditional teachings and practice of the Church remain after the sweeping changes brought by the Second Vatican Council.”

Good Day, World!

Remember, it’s a proven fact there are at least 75-million people who think for themselves, even amidst loud, passionate, vocal opposition. They hid in amazement for years, watching the volume increase and logic disappear, digging deeper for that thing we call the truth.

Thanks for being one of us!

And Thanks, Michael, for doing the talking for me today!

I’ll be back soon; going to watch some videos!

Oh, and Michael, by the way, can you sing?

Peace out my friends! 🙂


Mark Urso

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