Share The Moon – Episode 2: Esteban Escobar – Chapter 1: The Man

The beginning of an exciting new thing!

Great news! I’ve completed my second novel, the follow-up to “Share The Moon, Episode One, Aina’s Dreams.” This one, “Share The Moon, Episode Two, Esteban Escobar” introduces the second life of amazing talking cat Fuzz. Also returning is leading lady Aina, and you’ll meet one of the world’s most dangerous drug smugglers!

I’ll publish chapters until you’re finished! A great new adventure! Tell all your friends! Let’s go!

Ch. 1 – The Man

Esteban was alive! That he knew for sure! This assurance came with a deep breath of warm Colombian air overtaking his lungs, as he lay in a modest bed at his mother’s house to face the night. The instant before he fell asleep, he thought he heard a mouse in the ceiling. Continue reading “Share The Moon – Episode 2: Esteban Escobar – Chapter 1: The Man”

The Mystery of Life (or, Adam’s Best Apple Pie) (Meditation With a Poem at the End!)

We are born into a life we don’t understand, then wonder how it’s going to end. It’s not very satisfying put that way!

What is it we should be doing with this life given us? Collecting something? Remembering something? What can we take with us?


Imagine you didn’t have any memories, as if you were given a drug that made your memories start to disappear. In this case, memorized muscle movement, the most invisible memories, are most resilient, but everything else starts falling off quickly, and you awaken from sleep into a new world.

Done in segments the point is seen more easily. Imagine driving your car Continue reading “The Mystery of Life (or, Adam’s Best Apple Pie) (Meditation With a Poem at the End!)”

Stardust (Long Version) (Carmichael, 1927)

Instrumental. Two guys sitting in a room not talking, one microphone, two  guitars. Sal Fontana started playing a classic Eric Clapton song, “Nobody Knows When You’re Down And Out,” and I thought “why not?” I asked Sal to keep going, and weaved a jazzy Stardust on top.

This simple bedroom recording turned into one of my favorite things to listen to and play! The combination of the two songs is timeless!

As it goes along … it has a way of disappearing! Enjoy!

The Fisher (Sighting: Westerly, RI, 2017)

I had a fisher on my back porch last night. It chased my cat right into the screened-in porch. The cat smartly scooted under the couch but not before hollering for me.

I heard her and came out from my room, and there was a very large “cat,” something odd about it … which had obviously chased her in, causing her to yell to get my attention – While I was immediately concerned for my cat and was looking for her (but she was under the couch), I didn’t really examine this supersized “cat” that was standing there waiting for me to tell it to go away. I went for a quick flashlight grab, returned, and the fisher was sniffing the bottom of the couch. I figured it out immediately and said “Get out of here!” and the animal departed quickly.

It was maybe ten last night. I’m in Westerly, RI, on the river Continue reading “The Fisher (Sighting: Westerly, RI, 2017)”

Time and Distance; Nature Cat And a Real Live Mouse (A Tiny Documentary)

In “Everything Theory” we sometimes talk in complicated ways about simple things. Everything Theory is about Nature, though, and as a philosopher, I like to think Nature is not too complicated for us mortal non-scientists to understand. It’s a simple philosophy: Nature wouldn’t work if animals didn’t know what they were supposed to do!

I’m guilty of complicating it, while trying to unravel nature’s messages, in recent posts about “Everything,” one of my most loved topics.

Then I got a cat. Things got simple again!

For example, I used the Titanic to illustrate how time and distance are bound together, like one thing, and there’s nothing we can do about it, even when it’s life or death.

The Titanic is a terrific example, and it’s freezing at the end of the story made for a strong analogy to the inescapable character of time. “If we could manipulate time and distance,” I eloquently wrote, “we would have, and all these statistics would be different.” My treatment of the topic – time and distance – I thought, was a little elaborate, but thorough.

Then I saw what the cat did. Continue reading “Time and Distance; Nature Cat And a Real Live Mouse (A Tiny Documentary)”

How 2 Bloody Write Good (or, Funny Is The New Serious!)

Funny Idea

These days it’s hard to make it all work on a writer’s salary. But studying the great authors, it’s clear needing a day job is nothing new. For example, some of history’s greatest wordsmiths worked as lumberjacks, as evidenced by the following old manuscript:

“I’m a lumberjack and I’m okay
I sleep all night and I work all day!”

– Monty Python

My friend Bill, an important businessman, though not actually a lumberjack, told me I should be funny more. Not that I wasn’t already funny, but that I should take it more seriously! Continue reading “How 2 Bloody Write Good (or, Funny Is The New Serious!)”

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