A Personal Letter from David Attenborough

Dear Good Personal Friend,

As you know, it’s getting cold in the Northeast USA. Squirrels are stocking up for a nutty Christmas, the common housecat waking to a frosty rooftop, and humans busy roasting toasty chestnuts, sending plumes of white smoke out the chimneys of their winter homes … putting bicycles away for the season.

artist’s depiction

During the harsh winter the rare Italian Bear (Ursus Theodorus) does something remarkable. His unique contribution to society is … He sings!

Similar to the animatronic Country Bear made famous by Walt Disney, Theodorus, like all bears, does hibernate in the cold part of the year, but unlike others, he has trouble sleeping, so spends winter creating, whittling away in his cozy den for months on end … taking only a periodic nap now and then. Continue reading “A Personal Letter from David Attenborough”

Chapter Thirty-Three: Aina’s Dreams

The following is a sample from my first novel, “Share The Moon, Episode 1, Aina’s Dreams,” available directly from me through Amazon or in my own store! The previous chapter is here. Enjoy!

Chapter Thirty-Three: Aina’s Dreams

“I’m just going to grab some leftovers; don’t worry about meeee!” the smiling girl must have sung, but Fuzz could only hear it, head stuck in bowl and all, a little in the background. He need not respond, either, he thought, due to the uncertainty about who she was talking to, pretty sure he had achieved invisibility by then. Continue reading “Chapter Thirty-Three: Aina’s Dreams”

Chapter Thirty-Two: Aina’s Dreams

The following is a sample from my first novel. Hint: it’s about a cat named Fuzz and a girl name Aina!

Chapter Thirty-Two: Aina’s Dreams

“How many times will we have Beef Wellington today!” Aina kept the smile going as she rocked, up and … yes, feet on the floor … to deliver some food to Fuzz, for sure!

“Make it so!” would be what Aina said usually, doing her best “Picard” voice, and not bad for a girl, Fuzz thought … when the actual food delivery took place, and this moment, which was happening right now, is, for Fuzz, the most wonderful blend of technological imagery and stark, hunger satisfying, undeniable, reality. Continue reading “Chapter Thirty-Two: Aina’s Dreams”

GoFundNothing! Globe of Time!

Globe of Time Pre-Sales Launch Today!

Music Time!

My next show is in Westerly, RI, tonight (Tuesday) 7-9PM at the Tapped Apple. Please come and bring your friends!

I’m also getting ready to record my 2nd album and publish my 2nd novel! Both are available for pre-sale! You can help kickstart the projects! You can pre-purchase the upcoming CD, “Globe of Time” and novel “Share The Moon, Episode 2, Esteban Escobar,” come see me play, and spin my tunes on iTunes and Spotify. All of your support is very much appreciated! Continue reading “GoFundNothing! Globe of Time!”

GoFundMy Nobility + Win A Prize!

I should call my new “Kickstarter” campaign “Fund My Hobby!”

But I won’t, because that makes it sound like it’s not worth a Nobel Prize!

When I was young, I saw Bob Dylan on TV. My mom explained he made money playing guitar and singing. Looked pretty simple to me!

Now, older and wiser, with a better appreciation for how the music industry works, understanding the intense practice behind the scenes, I still am impressed not with the intricacy or perfection of a performance, but with how easy it looks. Continue reading “GoFundMy Nobility + Win A Prize!”

Where The Goblins Go (A Song!)

And now for something completely different!

This is from my CD “Share The Moon!” It’s called “Where The Goblins Go,” and was inspired by traditional creepiness for children from the popular movie “The Wizard of Oz!” The original song “Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead!” was written in 1939!

This is my late entry for Halloween, as my house was out of power because of a big storm and I was not able to post for a couple days. It was dark, and spooky quiet! Continue reading “Where The Goblins Go (A Song!)”

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